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Zoe: "Words can't express my gratitude"

Zoe* is grateful that she received a second chance at Triple Care Farm after relapsing. This is her story. 

Words by themselves can’t express my gratitude for the help I received at TCF, but hopefully I can honour everyone’s support by maintaining a healthy, productive lifestyle. I can honestly say, with firsthand experience I have seen what drug addiction can do to a person’s capacity to mature, to grow, and to love.

I wanted to make sure that I thanked you for giving me a second chance at the program, after all the hell I put so many people through the first time!

I can’t speak for any other second-time students, but I owe the world to the workers at TCF.

Because I know deep down, that, even though I wasn’t ready to change my ways the first time, the second chance that the farm gave me changed my life in a way that makes life worth living again, and I’m so grateful.

I suppose that if someone screws up badly the first time, they deserve to be ‘exited’ but if that same person calls a second time and they are sincerely trying to live without drugs, a second chance is definitely warranted.

Because it worked for me! Thank you so much TCF! Take pride in the knowledge that your hard work really does pay off, and use it to motivate you when you’re having one of those days.

*Name changed to protect privacy; stock image used.