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When addiction robbed Jade of a home... she slept in a tent on the beach.

With no home, education or support system, Jade felt she had nowhere to go except a tent on the beach.

Think back to your teenage years – for most of us it was a time of self-discovery, finding your place among family, friends and community. Seeking a place of safety, security and belonging. 

Now, think about life without that feeling of safety or security. Without having a sense of belonging. Living in so much uncertainty that you lost control of your life and even lost a place to live. 

This is exactly what Jade’s* teenage years were like. 

Jade looks out the window
a tent on the beach at night

Jade was just a young girl when life at home got tough.  

Jade’s mother had an abusive partner. To cope, Jade was drinking alcohol by the age of 11, smoking marijuana by 15, hanging out with the wrong crowd and failing school.

Jade would do whatever she could to get out of the house.

Then, Jade unknowingly tried ice.

"From that day onwards, I was addicted for a year straight," she says.

Some family members tried to be supportive, but they eventually cut ties. 

Sadly, Jade dropped out of school, lost her job as a cook, and found herself homeless – with only a tent on the beach to call her own.

She had lost control of her life and was desperate for help and hope. She had hit rock bottom.

This is when young people like Jade desperately need your help – when they’re at their lowest point.

By donating to our tax appeal, you give young people a chance to turn their lives around... and have hope for a brighter future.

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Thankfully, Jade found Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm and was accepted into the youth addiction treatment program.

Jade did the hard work. She progressed through the Withdrawal program, Residential Rehabilitation and then six months of Aftercare. 

While Jade was at the Farm, her goal was to make her mum proud.

"Going to Triple Care Farm gave me a sense of community - going through the process with people who understand how you're feeling."

During the Aftercare program, Jade’s life was transformed.

“It is the best thing you’ll ever do. My life completely flipped in those six months,” recalls Jade.

Today, Jade is in her 20s and is happy, healthy and grateful for the opportunity to get well.  

She is also grateful to generous donors like you. Your support gives young people a safe place to heal, to feel a sense of security and belonging, so they can focus on getting well, and staying well. 

When you make a gift by 30 June, your donation will help young people just like Jade to break the cycle of addiction, get well and have hope for a brighter future.

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