Our 2021 Tax Appeal shares Lily’s inspiring story of how treatment at Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm not only saved her life, but also saved her fragile relationship with her mum Jean.
“I am just so grateful… without Triple Care Farm, I would probably be delivering a eulogy today,” said Lily’s mum Jean* tearfully as she addressed her daughter Lily’s graduation ceremony.
It was New Year’s Day 2019 when Lily* admitted she needed help. Her Mum remembers the day vividly.
“Lily had been very unwell for such a long time – both physically and especially mentally. Our relationship was fragile, and I was really scared that I would lose her.”
Like the 93% of the young people arriving at Triple Care Farm, Lily was living with a mental illness. Self-medicating and self-harm became the norm for Lily.
“I was not in control of my life from the age of 15. Desperately seeking relief from anxiety, depression and thoughts of suicide, I was dangerously self-medicating,” admits Lily.
Both mum and daughter now agree, without hesitation, that Lily was headed for tragedy. Their relationship was also suffering, as they struggled to navigate addiction, mental illness and Jean’s own chronic health challenges. Something had to give, and it did the night a young person sadly lost his own life due to a drug overdose at a music festival Lily was attending.
The next day Lily put in an emotional call to Jean.
“‘I need to go somewhere,’ and Mum responded, ‘I think you do too.’ Thankfully, I was soon at Triple Care Farm. First at David Martin Place and then in the Rehabilitation program,” explains Lily.
You saved my life
When we recently spoke to Lily, her mum Jean was sitting by her side. They laughed together, and even cried a little, remembering the tumultuous journey they’d been on together. Their bond is strong.
Two years after leaving the program, Lily is now in a healthy, loving relationship, working part time and studying. She dreams of a professional career in publishing and knows she would have struggled to be where she is today without the help she received when she needed it the most.
“I’m just so grateful to the donors and everyone at the farm. You saved my life.”
We need your help
As the end of the financial year approaches, we urgently need your help to continue supporting the lifesaving work of Triple Care Farm’s Withdrawal, Rehabilitation and Aftercare programs.

Thank you Lily & Jean
Need support?
If Lily’s story raises any uncomfortable feelings for you, please reach out for help.
Family Drug Support Australia (FDS): offers 24/7 support and assistance to parents, families and carers who are dealing with a family member who is using drugs. Call their Support Line on 1300 368 186 (24/7 hrs) or visit fds.org.au
Lifeline Australia: 24/7 crisis support: Call 13 11 14 or visit lifeline.org.au
Triple Care Farm: For information about Triple Care Farm intake visit Apply for Triple Care Farm – Sir David Martin Foundation