Nikki is NOT a lost cause.
At 15, Nikki left home to escape her abusive stepfather. With nowhere to go, she ended up sleeping rough where she was raped and assaulted. Drugs quickly became the only way she could dull the pain from a lifetime of trauma.
Addiction is a disease, so often the result of trauma and abuse. Without help, teenagers like Nikki are at risk of suicide and overdose.
They deserve the chance to live a happy, healthy life free from their childhood scars. Free of drugs and alcohol.
93% of the young people we help with addiction live with a mental illness, often undiagnosed.
Show them your support.
Young people like Nikki need support to heal from a lifetime of trauma. They deserve a second chance to rebuild their lives. They deserve to experience happiness and opportunity.
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Young people like Nikki are desperate to break free, but they can’t do it alone.
The Sir David Martin Foundation specialises in helping young people between the ages of 16 and 24 struggling with an addiction to drugs and alcohol.
There is a better way.
Sir David Martin Foundation funds Triple Care Farm – a purpose-built treatment facility designed for young people to get well and overcome their addiction.
Triple Care Farm exists for young people like Nikki. She desperately needs specialised treatment to address her childhood trauma and mental illness as part of her recovery.
Everyone should know what hope feels like.
We need hope to survive. Especially young people driven to drugs after years of pain and suffering. Young people like Nikki deserve the chance to live a healthy, happy life. Do you agree?
About us
Sir David Martin Foundation is a 30-year old family foundation, helping young people in crisis. The Foundation is named after the former Governor of NSW and the Martin family continues to drive the vision of Sir David, to give safety, hope and opportunity to all vulnerable young Australians. We are the major funder of Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm, a unique, holistic treatment centre which each year gives over 200 vulnerable young Australians, aged 16-24, a safe place to get well and prepare for new opportunities.
Find help
If you need urgent help right now, please call 000 or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 for immediate 24/7 crisis support.
Visit our Find help page to locate youth drug and alcohol support or services near you