After Graduation was postponed in December due to catastrophic fire risk at the farm, hundreds of people packed into the Shellharbour Civic Centre last Friday to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2019 students, who had completed the drug and alcohol rehab and detox programs.
As you may know, Triple Care Farm is a youth drug and alcohol service – a youth rehab and detox program for young people aged 16-24 years old. As the primary funder of the program, Sir David Martin Foundation and supporters ensure Triple Care Farm continues to meet the complex needs of youth in crisis from around Australia. Triple Care Farm turned 30 years old in 2019, and we celebrated with a big cake for everyone to enjoy.
The program saves young lives. An alumni, Samantha, who completed the rehabilitation 12 years ago stood up, sharing a sentiment that brought tears to our eyes; “Triple Care Farm saved my life – helped me to find myself and my direction and purpose. When I was considering getting help for my addiction I remember thinking, how could I hold onto this life if death was the only option?”
Students from this year’s graduation class performed music pieces learnt in the music program. The cover of ‘I’m Still Standing’ by Elton John spoke a million words, as a graduate sang like a “true survivor”.
It was a celebration of lives transformed. In a young person’s words; “from the chaotic life of drugs, to goals for my future”. These young men and women are very appreciative of people like you who care about them and believe in change.
For those who support Sir David Martin Foundation, Graduation is a testament to your generosity. You ensure the program is available to youth in crisis.
Thank you for kindly supporting young people, providing them with safety, hope and opportunity.
Images by Rebecca Rosconi Photography.

A Graduate and his mother

Lady Martin with Graduate, Millie

2019 Graduate, Millie, sharing her story