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In December, six members of our Youth Advisory Group travelled to Triple Care Farm for an in-depth tour of the facilities and a day of workshops.

This was a rare chance for the Group to meet in person, as they live throughout Australia. Group members travelled from Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Canberra to the Southern Highlands of NSW.

Program immersion

Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm Program Coordinator provided an intimate tour of the facilities, providing insights into the Farm’s comprehensive treatment approach, showcasing how young people are supported through:

  • Safe substance detoxification processes
  • Emotional management techniques
  • Therapeutic counseling sessions
  • Educational programs

“I have experience working in crisis mental health intervention and suicide intervention, and with these sorts of things it’s rarely a single-faceted issue; substance use often comes up,” reflects Group Chair Harry Waterworth. “There is a big culture of substance use in Australia, and I think it’s important that we get this right.”

Life-changing impact

Triple Care Farm’s proven track record demonstrates remarkable outcomes:

  • 67% reduction in chronic substance use
  • 83% decrease in suicide attempts
  • 96% success rate in securing stable housing
  • 68% of participants engaged in education and employment

Peer-to-peer dialogue
The highlight of the visit was an candid conversation with current residents, who shared their personal recovery journeys and the program elements that proved most impactful in their transformation. For member Taeg Twist, these stories resonated deeply: “If things had turned out slightly different for me, if support systems weren’t as tight as they were, I could have easily fallen through the gaps. For me, it’s important that I go on to acknowledge that and create some change within that field.”

Looking forward

The day culminated in a dynamic workshop where Group members, each bringing distinct expertise and lived experience, collaborated on initiatives for the upcoming year. Their diverse perspectives and passionate exchange of ideas set a promising foundation for future advocacy work.

This visit marked a significant step in strengthening the connection between youth advocates and the vital work happening at Triple Care Farm, laying groundwork for even more impactful collaboration in 2025.