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Are you ready to reset and form a new healthy habit?

** Stay tuned for updates about the 2021 Reset Challenge**

Reset Challenge is Sir David Martin Foundation’s fun new online fundraising campaign, which invites everyone to choose a challenge that will help reset their life to ultimately form a new healthy life habit – all in the name of supporting young people in crisis!.

The concept of forming new healthy habits mirrors an important part of a young person’s recovery process – where support is given to create and maintain new healthy habits for a life free of drugs and alcohol.

Launched in September 2020 as part of Youth Recovery Month, Reset Challenge invites participants to consider a new healthy habit to improve your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Your challenge might include:

  • continuing a HEALTH routine you’ve developed during COVID-19, such as daily yoga
  • starting a FITNESS challenge, such as 30 sit-ups a day
  • trying something completely new to reconnect with your FAMILY, such as limiting screen time and takeaway foods.

Once you’ve decided on your challenge, it’s time to rally your friends, family and colleagues to support you along the way.

Share your nominated challenge and ask your supporters to help keep you motivated and accountable by making a donation to help you meet your fundraising goals.

You can also share your progress across social media using #resetchallengeAU

Introducing Reset Challenge Ambassador, Phil Kearns AM

We are excited to announce that Wallabies legend, Phil Kearns AM has joined Reset Challenge as our official 2020 Ambassador. Phil has committed to completing a daily ocean swim challenge for the month of September as his personal Reset Challenge. Read more about Reset Challenge Ambassador, Phil Kearns here

Getting involved is easy!

  1. CHOOSE your challenge – we’ve got some great examples here to help you decide
  2. REGISTER online at 
  3. COMMIT to your challenge for 30 days (or  a time period of your choice)
  4. ASK your family, friends and colleagues to support you via a donation or better still, join you!

Interested in learning more? Contact us at