Recently, Sir David Martin Foundation’s Marketing Intern, Ashton Diggs, 20, attended a tour of Triple Care Farm, along with Foundation donors and special guests. Amongst the peace and tranquillity, Ashton discovered a place of healing that is having enormous impact on young lives.
From the moment I set foot on the grounds of Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm one of the first words that came to mind was peace. The beautiful grounds, full of trees and light and clear mountain air, lend themselves to the centre’s purpose: healing. Amidst this surrounding, it is clear that the program’s work is all about empowering young people to find balance in their lives.
During our tour, I overheard one of the other visitors say, “Seeing it changes everything,” and I couldn’t have imagined a better way to describe the experience.
With your feet on the grounds of Triple Care Farm, you can see the impact of the generosity of our donors and supporters. Their generosity is not just changing lives, but empowering young people to change their own.
As we explored the 110 acre property, nestled in the heart of the NSW Southern Highlands, I felt nothing less than complete and utter awe at what has been created here.

Triple Care Farm facilities
In the Withdrawal Program at David Martin Place the house feels like a home, complete with a reading nook (pictured) and individual bedrooms for each resident. The windows look out onto the beautiful farmland and one feels as if they are a part of the land itself. As one embarks on a journey towards overcoming substance use, this will be the place they have the safety and support to do so, with kind and welcoming staff to aid them in these first steps.
If a young person chooses to then go on to the Residential Rehabilitation program, they will be able to stay on the grounds in communal housing, where they will not only have the time and space to relearn who they are, but they can also learn from others who are embarking on similar journeys.
This approach, in the comfortable atmosphere of the Triple Care Farm cottages, is yet another way the program works to provide holistic care that helps young people create lasting change in their own lives.
Kyle’s Story, One of Triple Care Farm’s many remarkable students
The day we visit, a young man Kyle** aged 24 is preparing to leave Triple Care Farm after 3 months.
Having secured accommodation and work, with the support of the Aftercare Program he is ready to step out into the world again. Staff have arranged the purchase a push bike so he can get to and from work, and will support him in these crucial next stages. Kyle is living proof of the change that is possible.
However, after witnessing the safety and serenity of the program’s picturesque location, I can only imagine that leaving must seem daunting after 3 months of 24/7 care and support. That’s where the Aftercare program, which offers individual wrapround care back in the community, proves invaluable. Kyle will have a trusted youth worker supporting him for 6 months as he gets re-established. This becomes a virtual lifeline – offering some much needed kindness and practical assistance on the days when life gets a bit tough.
As the major funder of Triple Care Farm, Sir David Martin Foundation has been supporting the programs for over 30 years, giving over 3000 young people access to lifesaving care in that time.
Although the Foundation and its donors have had limited access to the Triple Care site over the past two years due to the restrictions of the COVID 19 pandemic, the important work done at Triple Care Farm has continued and maintained its impact despite the ongoing challenges.
While the world has become an even more uncertain place for many young people, Triple Care Farm continues to provide more than just a safe haven. The peace and best practice treatment they deliver offers young people hope and opportunity, whilst empowering them to grow and develop into whoever they want to be.
Applying to Triple Care Farm
If you are aged 16 to 24 years old and are experiencing problematic substance use, you can apply for the Triple Care Farm Withdrawal Program and Rehabilitation Program. Learn more here
Find support
If you need urgent help right now, please call 000 or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 for immediate 24/7 crisis support.
The Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 offers 24/7 free counselling and support for people at risk of suicide.
To find other services and support, including links to other drug and alcohol service, visit Find Help – Sir David Martin Foundation
Donate today and help young, vulnerable Australians break the cycle of addiction and have hope for a brighter future.