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Anna Beaumont reflects on the Foundation’s history

By August 14, 2024No Comments

Anna Beaumont, Sir David and Lady Martin’s daughter, worked for the Foundation from 2011 until her retirement in 2023. Here, she looks back on how it has grown since its establishment after her father’s passing in 1990.

When our father died on August 10th, 1990, the bottom dropped out of our world. He alone knew how very sick he was, but we desperately hoped we’d have a few more months together, after he’d stepped down from the Vice Regal role.

The establishment of Sir David Martin Foundation and the subsequent outpouring of grief and generosity took us all by surprise, and provided Mum with a welcome distraction.

In the years that followed, the Foundation team grew in number and in 2011, I joined as Fundraising Coordinator. I knew very little about fundraising!

Luckily, my role was more about connecting with all our lovely donors and supporters – many of whom had known Dad. They shared some wonderful stories and so much loyal commitment.

In the years I worked in the team, I visited donors at home, wrote funding applications, showed people around Triple Care Farm, abseiled down the AMP building, then on 1 Market Street (several times), undertook the Kokoda Track, hosted morning teas, helped set up events, attended Graduation at the farm, and asked donors to support our work through gifts and by leaving a bequest.

It was a happy, busy, challenging, fun and rewarding 12 years. I loved meeting the young people in the programs and was always impressed by their dedication and strength.

The best part was knowing that I was keeping Dad’s vision alive, of safety, hope and opportunity for young people in crisis. He would be so proud of the Foundation and the work that continues to save young lives. He’d be thrilled that Mum has been involved so loyally for so many years.

I’m honoured to now be on the Board of Sir David Martin Foundation and I’m looking forward to what comes next!