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Mandy: Deciding enough is enough

Mandy* had mental health and cannabis use issues in her late teens. She knew her daily smoking of cannabis was becoming problematic as it was having a negative impact on her relationships, especially with her parents. She also couldn’t find work.

During her first experience with DAYS Withdrawal and Rehabilitation, she set a goal to maintain abstinence from cannabis once back out in the community. But she always struggled and would often relapse quickly. Even after a short period of stability, the cycle would continue.

In 2023, she was turning 22 and decided enough was enough.

Mandy completed a two-week stay in the Withdrawal unit and used the time to gain some stability with her prescribed medications and work on relapse prevention strategies to be supported back to health. This is when she met Brad, the new Aftercare worker, who helped her set goals for the future for when she left residential care, including having a stable home life and a job in childcare.

Returning to the community wasn’t as daunting this time for Mandy. Brad continued to help her to address her addiction, provide guidance and offer practical advice and be a mentor as she transitioned into her new life at home.

After almost three months of Aftercare support, Mandy continues to manage her addiction and abstain from all drugs. She is living at home and communicating much better with her parents, showing her the benefit of improved relationships.

Mandy gained employment as a childcare worker, and her new employer has recently offered her the opportunity to complete a Degree in Childcare Education.

Mandy continues to be supported by Brad through Aftercare for another 3 months, through weekly appointments. With newfound hope, determination, and the right support, Mandy feels she has finally turned her life around.