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Kyle: Breaking the cycle

Kyle* grew up in a small country town, where everyone knows everyone, and unfortunately the local authorities were starting to get to know him.

Caught up in the cycle of substance misuse and traffic offences, Kyle saw his life starting to unravel. He’d had his driver’s licence suspended and knew that incarceration and frequent bail checks were around the corner if he didn’t change his lifestyle.

Fortunately, Kyle secured a place at Triple Care Farm and staff were instantly impressed at how quickly he threw himself into every part of the program. They say he was like a “sponge”, eager to learn and grow, especially during his time in Rehabilitation.

After completing the program this year, Kyle decided to make a permanent move to the coast for a fresh start, away from the old temptations of home. Trading the dust storms of home for the salt spray of the waves, the move has been positive so far. With the help of his Aftercare Worker, Kyle has secured independent accommodation, connected with community health supports and returned to his trade, securing a job immediately. Kyle knew he’d been given a second chance and he was ready to embrace it!

Starting a new job without a driver’s licence was one of Kyle’s first challenges to overcome. However, armed with a strong work ethic and a determination to never be late to work, Kyle was supported by Triple Care Farm staff to buy a bicycle and helmet and is not letting his lack of four wheels get in the way of achieving his goals.

With the darkest of clouds behind him, and equipped with a new-found appreciation in taking charge of his own life, the forecast is looking bright for Kyle.

We wish Kyle all the very best for his ongoing recovery and congratulate him on all he’s achieved so far.

*Name changed to protect privacy; stock image used.