Dean arrived at the farm with only a small backpack of personal possessions.
When Dean* arrived at Triple Care Farm, staff were concerned that he only had one small backpack. He’d been staying with a friend for a couple of months, following violence at home.
Did you know that at intake in 2017, 61% of the young people had a history of homelessness and 71% had experienced family breakdown? Dean was certainly trapped in this destructive cycle when he came to the farm.
During the ‘Outbound’ part of the program (transitioning back into the community) he and the aftercare worker focused on what Dean wanted to achieve and where he was going to live.
After much searching (and help with his application) Dean gained a job at the local council, working in the parks and gardens and found a bed at a nearby hostel, thanks to the aftercare worker’s contacts.
You gave Dean his new start. With a few more months left in the aftercare program, we look forward to receiving more updates on Dean’s progress in the community.
*Name changed to protect privacy; stock image used.