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Useful resources about youth drug and alcohol use and addiction.

Support worker helping young person

If you are in crisis, call:

  • Emergency services – 000
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800
  • 13 YARN – 13 92 76
  • National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline – 1800 250 015

Drug and alcohol support

  • Alcohol and Drug Foundation: Path2Help
    A database of resources and support for misuse of alcohol and other drugs, with a short questionnaire and tailored suggestions.
  • Hello Sunday Morning 
    A non-profit organisation dedicated to changing the world’s relationship with alcohol.
  • Family Drug Support
    Up-to-date information on all aspects of alcohol and drug use relative to the families of people who use substances.

Drug and alcohol facts and information


Mental health support

  • Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
    The leading national mental health organisation for people with complex mental health issues in Australia and for the families and friends that support them.
  • Beyond Blue
    A source of mental health information, support, and hope.
  • Reach Out
    A safe place where young people can openly express themselves and get mental health support.
  • Sane
    The leading national mental health organisation for people aged 18 and over with complex mental health issues in Australia and for the families and friends that support them.


  • Smiling mind
    Helps you learn the skills that promote mental wellbeing and create the habits to thrive.
  • Calm Harm
    An app funded by teenage mental health charity stem4, to help manage the urge to self-harm.
  • SuperBetter
    A game promoting youth mental health, resilience, social-emotional learning and student success.
  • MoodMission
    When you tell MoodMission how you’re feeling, it gives you a tailored list of 5 simple, quick, effective, evidence-based Missions to improve your mood.
  • Headspace
    An app that teaches you how to meditate.
  • Text the Effects
    an anonymous SMS service that provides confidential info about the effects of drugs in a quick and easy way.