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Sector partnerships

We are proud to work with our partners in the sector to bring safety, hope and opportunity to young people in crisis.

Fair Treatment

We are proud to be part of the Fair Treatment campaign, joining over 70 organisations in calling for a more compassionate and evidence-based approach to drug policy in Australia.

As a foundation dedicated to helping young people experiencing drug and alcohol addiction, we recognise the critical need for reform in how our society addresses substance use issues. The Fair Treatment campaign, led by the Uniting Church and Uniting, aligns closely with our vision of safety, hope, and opportunity for vulnerable young Australians.

As part of the campaign, we are advocating for two reforms:

  1. Law reform for a primary health-response to personal possession of currently illicit drugs or “decriminalisation” and;
  2. More funding for alcohol and other drug treatment services.

Sir David Martin Foundation is committed to destigmatising youth addiction and breaking down barriers that prevent young people from seeking help. Our participation in the Fair Treatment campaign represents another step forward in our advocacy efforts to create lasting positive change for vulnerable youth across Australia.

Raise the Age

We are proud to have joined the #RaiseTheAge campaign, advocating to raise the age of criminal responsibility in NSW.

We are coming together with First Nations organisations, peak bodies, frontline services, workers, human rights advocates and legal experts because we not only understand the issues – we can build a better way.

In NSW, kids as young as 10 can be arrested. The earlier children come into contact with the system the more likely it is that they have ongoing contact with the system.

This contact is traumatic, and it doesn’t deliver safer communities.  All children deserve to flourish and thrive.

Statement of Solidarity in Support of First Nations Communities

We stand in solidarity with First Nations communities in their ongoing campaign for sovereignty and self-determination.

Sir David Martin Foundation is a proud signatory of the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) Statement of Solidarity with First Nations Communities.

Alongside others in the community sector, we are committed to:

  • Solidarity and action with First Nations communities in their ongoing campaign for sovereignty and self-determination, including Voice, Treaty and Truth-telling.
  • Ensuring our own decision-making processes respect First Nations voices, leadership and right to self-determination.
  • Developing partnership principles that ensure we are not competing with Aboriginal community-controlled organisations who are best placed to develop policy solutions and deliver services for their communities.

It is a crucial time to unite in solidarity with First Nations peoples. We cannot change what has happened in the past; but now we can build a future that brings justice and equality, the way it should have been a long time ago.