In this Impact Winter 2022 edition:
Oh what a night - over $200K raised for Triple Care Farm!

We laughed, we cried and we connected – all in the name of helping young people in crisis! Our major Connect for Youth crowdfunding event in April, powered by The Funding Network Australia, was a great success.
Overall, $202,100 was pledged in support of Triple Care Farm’s Withdrawal, Rehabilitation and Aftercare programs.
The format brings together new and existing donors in a relaxed social setting, where they hear from three individual speakers with intimate knowledge of programs. After short “shark-tank” pitches, the speakers leave the room and the pledging and generosity takes centre stage.
This year’s speakers were Clinical Nurse Specialist, Sara Angelkoski, Program Manager, Helen Fuller and 2021 Triple Care Farm graduate, Clare.
“It’s a great format,” said General Manager, Helen Connealy.
“It’s fun, but also incredibly informative. You could barely hear a pin drop as our presenters spoke. Their pitches really were from the heart, and provided such amazing insight into the lifesaving impact of these best practice programs. Clare’s beautiful and honest account of her journey through addiction, treatment and recovery just blew us away. To also have her family in the audience with us was something special that many of us will never forget.”
One of the highlights of the night was the diversity of giving. This included donors as young as 11 pledging gifts online, as well as new donors, long-time Foundation supporters and corporate partners all contributing to the final tally.
As Board Chair Will Martin said on the night, “We have the best donors”.
“They give so willingly and so selflessly. I’m not sure other organisations have donors who are as invested in the programs that they support.
You could most definitely feel that sense of solidarity and purposeful giving, both in the room and online. It was a fantastic event and we are so grateful for everyone’s generosity.”
Sincere thanks to our presenters Sara, Helen and Clare and our MC, ABC Breakfast Radio announcer, James Valentine who kept us all entertained in his indomitable way.
Thanks also to our corporate partners Investa, ICAP and ASX, and our generous suppliers, StrangeLove, Heaps Normal, Chentannos and Lindt.
Thanks to Aftercare, Kyle pedals into the next chapter of his life

Kyle* grew up in a small country town, where everyone knows everyone, and unfortunately the local authorities were starting to get to know him. Caught up in the cycle of substance misuse and traffic offences, Kyle saw his life starting to unravel. He’d had his driver’s licence suspended and knew that incarceration and frequent bail checks were around the corner if he didn’t change his lifestyle.
Fortunately, Kyle secured a place at Triple Care Farm and staff were instantly impressed at how quickly he threw himself into every part of the program.
They say he was like a “sponge”, eager to learn and grow, especially during his time in Rehabilitation.
After completing the program this year, Kyle decided to make a permanent move to the coast for a fresh start, away from the old temptations of home.
Trading the dust storms of home for the salt spray of the waves, the move has been positive so far. With the help of his Aftercare worker, Kyle has secured independent accommodation, connected with community health supports and returned to his trade, securing a job immediately.
Kyle knew he’d been given a second chance and he was ready to embrace it! Starting a new job without a driver’s licence was one of Kyle’s first challenges to overcome. However, armed with a strong work ethic and a determination to never be late to work, Kyle was supported by Triple Care Farm staff to buy a bicycle and helmet and is not letting his lack of four wheels get in the way of achieving his goals.
With the darkest of clouds behind him, and equipped with a new-found appreciation in taking charge of his own life, the forecast is looking bright for Kyle.
We wish Kyle all the very best for his ongoing recovery and congratulate him on all he’s achieved so far.
*Name and photo changed for privacy reasons
Congratulations Corey

Congratulations to Youth Advisory Group member, Corey Tutt OAM, who was recently recognised with a Medal of the Order of Australia for service to Indigenous STEM — science, technology, engineering, and maths education. A proud Kamilaroi man, Corey is the CEO and creator of DeadlyScience, and a founding member of our Youth Advisory Group.
He’s a tireless worker for First Nations kids and communities – harnessing his knowledge, lived experience and passion to make real and lasting change.
It’s a privilege to have Corey contributing to our Foundation’s work.
Generations of giving

We often refer to Sir David Martin Foundation as a “family foundation”. Certainly the Martin Family continues to play a vital and active role in all our operations. (Anna, Lady Martin and Will are pictured at our recent Connect for Youth event). But there are also many other families involved in our work. There are the families of the young people we help, who often live each day of their loved one’s addiction alongside them. Speaking with them both before their young person has been accepted for treatment, and then after leaving the program at events such as the annual Triple Care Farm Graduation, is a privilege.
Importantly, we also have our family of supporters. Our work helping young people in crisis is only possible due to their generosity. Recently we invited some of our donors who have been supporting the Foundation across multiple generations of their family to share a little about why their family supports ours.
Here’s what they had to say about their relationship with Sir David Martin Foundation…

George & Sue
“My father George supported Triple Care Farm when it was first mooted by Mission Australia back in 1989. He regularly supported the (then) Sydney City Mission, and extended this support to Sir David Martin Foundation from 1997. I never talked about it with my father specifically, but I know he believed in helping young people.
When George died in 1999, my mother Sue took over supporting the charities that he had supported, such as Sir David Martin Foundation, as well as some that were her personal favourites (Guide Dogs and Wheelchair Sports). When she became unable to manage her affairs and I took over, we kept up the charitable donations because that had always been important to both my parents.
I became aware of Sir David Martin Foundation at this time, and it seemed to me a good thing for many reasons. I guess donating to charity was just always done in our family. My parents (pictured) supported a number of charities all my life, and I have done so since I started to have disposable income.
Sir David Martin Foundation is one whose outcomes seem so valuable both to the individuals involved and to our wider society.”
Margaret (George & Sue’s daughter)

The Moore Family
“My wife and I were attending a dinner in Sydney around 1989 where the guest speaker was Sir David Martin.
We were so impressed with his passion and conviction in relation to young people in crisis and his belief more could be done to help rebuild their lives. When the Foundation was formed, my wife Jan and I had no hesitation in contributing.
Over the years we have had the pleasure of visiting Triple Care Farm and witnessing, first hand, the wonderful work the Foundation is doing in helping to rebuild the lives of our youth in crisis. We have witnessed young people at graduation who have spoken of their journey and we have become more determined to do as much as we can to contribute to this wonderful cause.
Over the last 15 years, our children and grandchildren (pictured at a recent celebration) have also become involved and as a family we are committed, while we can, to continue our support for Sir David Martin Foundation.”
Graham (first generation donor)

“I remember that my late mother, Helen (pictured), was a great admirer of Sir David in his attitude to public life and his associated works and endeavours.
Mum also had a very kindly and constructive attitude to those who had less fortunate lives than hers, especially in relation to a stable environment and mental health.
It seemed only natural for her to support Sir David Martin Foundation, especially when the Foundation looked to address a significant issue with an innovative approach. Having lived much of her life in rural NSW, Mum knew the many positive aspects of country life and she could appreciate that the establishment of Triple Care Farm in the Southern Highlands would result in a wonderful setting to enhance the work of the project.
It was always accepted by Mum and I that I would continue to support the Foundation – I share the same motivations to do this as she did.
I have been a health worker all my working life and greatly appreciate the need for a holistic approach to people’s care and wellbeing.
It is so important that we recognise the needs of others and assist them, as able, to live the most fulfilling lives possible.”
Daine (Helen’s daughter)

“Our family first became involved with Sir David Martin Foundation when it was established. My Mum Judy (pictured) was actively involved in a leadership role with the Girl Guide movement, and I believe through an overlapping circle of friends and acquaintances she became aware of plans to set up the foundation in honour of Sir David Martin with the aim to support troubled youth.
She was very impressed with Triple Care Farm and attended events and a graduation to see the place and meet the people.
She donated consistently each year of her life because she believed in the cause, was very impressed by the approach, the team and the results they were achieving.
In later years, when my husband, David and I became more established and were able to, we decided to make Sir David Martin Foundation the charity we chose for regular ongoing support.
Important factors for us were to focus our donation locally in Australia on the disadvantaged and particularly young people who still had the rest of life ahead of them to thrive and contribute to society if they could find their right path.
Since becoming involved, the Foundation impressed us with the family-focussed, personal approach of connecting with all people as human beings, be they young people in their care, staff or supporters. I am very happy to continue contributing to Sir David Martin Foundation, as I understand it is a difficult and costly project to support young people needing and wanting to reset their lives. But the outcome is so valuable to the young people, their loved ones and to society.”
Anna (Judy’s daughter)
From our General Manager, Helen Connealy

Thank you to all our generous supporters for their donations over the last 12 months. We couldn’t do the work we do without you all joining us on this journey.
Recently we fondly farewelled Gabriella Holmes, who had expertly managed Triple Care Farm for many years. I’m delighted to share that Helen Fuller has been appointed as Gab’s successor and will oversee both Triple Care Farm and Mission Australia’s new Youth Rehabilitation Centre being built in Batemans Bay. It’s a great appointment, and I know the programs will benefit from Helen’s professionalism, experience and deep care for the young people she serves.
Tours of Triple Care Farm have resumed after a long Covid safety hiatus. It is so good to see the work in action again and experience the safe environment welcoming young people seeking help. We’re grateful to the hardworking staff there for including us.
We loved sharing Leah’s story in our recent appeal. She is an impressive young woman who has overcome so much through sheer hard work and dedication. Leah is now building a new life of health and opportunity and we can’t wait to see what she does next! By sharing the stories and lived experiences of our graduates, like Leah, they become part of our small team, trying to make a difference.
As a youth foundation, we know it will help more young people if we represent their voices, their concerns and issues that sometimes aren’t shared openly with the older generations. Our expanded youth advisory group will push us and test us to ensure we are being true to that representation. We already have a strong focus on mental health, but many other areas contribute to the wellbeing of our young Australians. The cost of living, educational pressures, equality no matter where you were born or how you identify, peer pressures and societal judgement – we know there is a lot to discuss.
I’m honoured and grateful to have this group of young people helping us and look forward to sharing more with you over the next year.
Warm regards, Helen
Cocktails and ceremonial sunsets...

After days of wet weather, the evening of Thursday May 26 was clear and cool. Nature provided a spectacular sunset and the Commanding Officer and crew of HMAS Supply hosted an event to remember.
The Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Motor Yacht Club generously held a Cocktail Reception, in support of Sir David Martin Foundation.
The two hundred guests were thrilled to hear a special performance by Phantom of the Opera’s Josh Piterman, who gave his time for a good cause. Personnel arrived from HMAS Canberra, HMAS Kuttabul, HMAS Watson and HMAS Arunta to add their support and make the night so special.
The Navy Band captured the atmosphere and provided the perfect level of support to the Ceremonial Sunset, which was a fitting end to a wonderful night. Overall, the night raised $20,000 for Sir David Martin Foundation – a most wonderful and generous gift! Thank you to all who made the evening possible.
Our Youth Advisory Group has expanded!

In June 2022 we announced the expansion of our Youth Advisory Group, which brings together youth advocates from across Australia to contribute to discussions around youth health and wellbeing. Founding member and 2020/21 Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, Lucy Stronach (pictured) will Chair
the group.
General Manager, Helen Connealy said the Youth Advisory Group plays an important role in deepening and broadening the Foundation’s understanding of the current challenges facing young people.
“We are first and foremost a youth foundation, and the health and wellbeing of young people is at the heart of everything we do.”
“Through our partnership with Mission Australia, we have been helping young people in crisis for over 30 years,
raising over $70 million to enable best practice youth drug and alcohol treatment programs. Our newly expanded Youth Advisory Group ensures a youth focus is front and centre in our Foundation’s work.
“We are so excited to learn from their experiences and viewpoints on a wide range of issues affecting young people. Their contribution will help inform our direction and activities in a very meaningful way.”
Visit our Youth Advisory Group page to learn more about each of our members.
Representatives of the Youth Advisory Group will attend youth conferences and forums and report back to the Foundation.