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Impact newsletter winter 2024: Connecting with our community

In this Impact Winter 2024 edition:

The power of perseverance: how Kate found hope and purpose

young woman sitting outside and looking seriously towards the camera

Trapped in a vicious cycle of substance use, crime, violence, and mental health struggles, Kate* had the difficult realisation that she needed help; she could no longer manage all of this alone.

Frightened yet determined, Kate made the courageous decision to seek help and entered the Residential Rehabilitation program at Triple Care Farm for the first time. This marked the beginning of her challenging journey to reclaim her life. Through unwavering personal determination and the steadfast support of dedicated staff members, Kate successfully graduated from the program and transitioned into Aftercare. She re-entered the community, pursuing education at TAFE and securing part-time employment.

The Farm provided Kate with a safe, judgment-free environment to focus on her rehabilitation. However, as time passed back in the community, the complexities of the life she desperately wanted to change came crashing back. The following three months were filled with crisis calls from Kate to her Aftercare Worker, Linda. “It was one of the hardest things to hear someone so ready to end their life,” Linda reflects. “To see how much potential they have, but feeling powerless to help, other than offering support until they are ready to take the next step.”

Recognising her need for help once more, Kate made the decision to return to Triple Care Farm on her own terms, despite an impending court date and the looming threat of another custodial sentence. During her second stay, Kate set clear goals for herself, which paid off when she was awarded a Lady Martin Scholarship upon graduation. This achievement marked a turning point in Kate’s life, as she finally felt empowered and hopeful for her future. Armed with newfound resources and support systems, Kate pursued her passion for fitness and accomplished her goals of furthering her education, achieving an impressive 98% on her latest math exam.

Today, Kate is focused on completing her Year 12 qualifications at TAFE while setting her sights on university, where she aspires to pursue a degree in design next year. Linda beams with pride when reflecting on Kate’s remarkable growth: “She has put in all the hard work to change the outcome of her life. We celebrate all the little things because, for her, they are the achievements that are leading her to the big goals.”

*Name changed and stock image used to protect privacy

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Helping young people in crisis

image of drugs with a NO sign
reduction in chronic substance use
illustration of two hands holding a heart
decrease in suicide attempts
illustration of a house
in stable housing
graduation cap on top of two textbooks
engaged in education and employment, and others actively seeking

A family legacy of sevice

Eleven members of the Martin family standing together in evening dress at Government House

In Australia, family foundations play a vital role in addressing societal challenges and creating lasting change. Sir David Martin Foundation, established to honour the legacy of Sir David Martin, exemplifies the power of intergenerational philanthropy and the impact a dedicated family can make.

As a distinguished Royal Australian Navy officer and Governor of New South Wales, Sir David Martin witnessed firsthand the struggles of young people caught in the destructive cycles of drugs, homelessness, and abuse. Sir David had a vision of ‘safety, hope, and opportunity,’ for vulnerable young people, and the Foundation was created to honour that vision.

The Foundation is a true family endeavour. After Sir David’s untimely passing in 1990, Lady Martin ensured his vision lived on, serving on the Board of Governors and contributing greatly to fundraising efforts. Their children have taken up the mantle of their parents’ philanthropic work.

Captain Will Martin RAN (Rtd) serves as Chair of the Board of Directors, while daughter Anna Beaumont worked in the Foundation for over 12 years, managing philanthropic development, and now serves on the Board of Directors. Their sister Sandy is also involved with the Foundation and lends her support to the cause.

The Martin grandchildren (including Anna’s sons Tom and Elliot pictured), have grown up attending the Foundation’s events and witnessing the impact of their grandparents’ generosity. Now adults, they continue the family tradition of generosity, ensuring the legacy of compassion spans three generations.

The Martin family gathered at Government House earlier this year for a special reception for donors and supporters. Kindly hosted by Her Excellency, the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, the event was a celebration of the Foundation’s work and a powerful display of unity and shared purpose that underscores the importance of family foundations.

Intergenerational philanthropy harnesses the strength of family ties to create enduring impact. By passing down values of compassion, responsibility, and belief in human potential, family foundations ensure that the torch of giving is carried from one generation to the next.

As a proud family foundation, Sir David Martin Foundation demonstrates the transformative power of collaborative giving, the enduring impact of intergenerational philanthropy and the difference one dedicated family can make in the lives of countless young Australians.

United by a shared mission, the Martin family and their generous supporters are ensuring more young Australians receive the help and support they need for a brighter future.

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Youth Advisory Group reflections on Triple Care Farm

Harry Waterworth and Jessica Pereira, two young people in their 20s, smiling

Jess Pereira and Harry Waterworth, two of our Youth Advisory Group members, recently attended a tour of Triple Care Farm. Below they share their experience and the insights they gained.

We were lucky enough to visit the wonderful staff and students at Triple Care Farm. Located in the beautiful Southern Highlands of NSW, the Farm is a youth drug and alcohol facility offering withdrawal, rehabilitation and aftercare support to 16-24 year old Australians.

Our day started with a lovely morning tea where we met program staff and some generous Sir David Martin Foundation donors. Helen Fuller, Mission Australia’s Area Manager for Triple Care Farm, was our guide for the day and started by presenting information about the programs and statistics about youth drug and alcohol addiction.

We appreciated hearing about the application and intake process for the young people, and how they progress through the Withdrawal, Rehabilitation and Aftercare programs. Helen explained the use of group Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and how it works with other life skills training at the Farm. From sustainable living and gardening to music and art therapy, there were numerous opportunities available to cater to a diverse range of individuals. It was evident to us that Triple Care Farm doesn’t have a ‘cookie-cutter’ approach, instead, it develops individualised care plans, creating the highest likelihood for meaningful change.

We then headed to the residential space where the students live. The living spaces are designed to be communal so that students can develop skills such as building positive relationships, communication, being considerate of others, dealing with conflicts that naturally arise when living in close quarters, budgeting, personal hygiene and domestic skills, and managing responsibilities. Each student has their own spacious room, as well as a beautiful handmade quilt that can act as a source of comfort when living away from home. We both thought that it was really positive that the students gain experience in managing a grocery list and cleaning responsibilities. As young people ourselves who live out of home – we know how necessary these skills are!

We also visited the gym, which was stocked with cardio equipment, weights and a space for stretching. There was also a fantastic basketball facility that was decorated with murals painted by the students and a bike shed. It was great to hear that students have access to a sports physiologist, so they learn and develop healthy exercise and nutrition habits.

We then made our way to the art room and were lucky enough to be invited in to see a student working on a piece of art as part of their rehabilitation therapy. We learned that where some individuals may not engage in certain areas, they blossom in others when given the opportunity.

While touring the Farm we were able to meet with some of the young people who were at different stages of their recovery journey. The care and compassion that is given to all young people during the program gives them the opportunity to express themselves and forge a healthy ‘mateship’. This isn’t to say that the program is easy. All students must actively engage to receive the benefits of the program.

We learned that Triple Care Farm empowers young people to make long-term change that isn’t only defined by overcoming addiction. Individuals can set goals for a lifestyle and quality of life that are made realistic by the skillset and routine provided at the Farm.

Love, Harry and Jess

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What inspires generosity? A snapshot of our supporters

Woman laughing and talking in a crowd of people

In April, we sent out a survey to gather your feedback. Every person who supports Sir David Martin Foundation plays a pivotal role in helping young people in crisis, and we wanted to know what inspires your generosity.

The feedback we received highlighted your dedication and passion for helping the young people who participate in the programs we fund. Whether it be through donations, reading young people’s stories or visiting Triple Care Farm in person, you support the Foundation because you can see the tangible impact of your contributions.

As a family foundation, we were also so thrilled to see how many supporters are inspired to give by a personal connection to Sir David Martin or the Martin family. It was wonderful to hear from so many people with fond memories of Sir David or their relationships with the family.

In the future, we are excited to provide more details about the programs that capture your interest, particularly the Aftercare program, which assists young people as they transition from residential rehabilitation back into the community. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. It is so valuable to hear from you and learn more about how we can work together to support young people in crisis.

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A group of men on bikes wearing cycling gear and helmets, smiling

From walking 150km in a month, to asking for donations in lieu of gifts at their wedding or selling homemade marmalade, our fundraisers never fail to inspire us with the creative ways they show their support for young people in crisis.

To make it as easy as possible to set up a fundraiser and share it with your community, we have created an online fundraising hub. To set up a fundraising activity or event, go to From there, you can create a page where your friends and family can donate to support your efforts and see your progress.

The hub is designed for you to set up any kind of fundraiser you like – whether it’s an active challenge, an event with family or friends, an office fundraiser, or something completely new. You can tailor your fundraiser to young people as they transition from residential rehabilitation back into the community. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. It is so valuable to hear from you and learn more about how we can work together to support young people in crisis. your interests or hobbies and track your progress easily while you raise funds. You will be supported to set up your fundraiser and share it with your community and receive tips along the way to help you make the experience as fun and successful as possible.

The work we do at the Foundation is only possible because of you, and the passion that our community has for supporting young people is truly inspiring. We are so excited to offer an easier way for you to fundraise – please get in touch if you would like any help to create your event, activity or challenge.

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A message from the Chair

At this time of year, we are always humbled by the generous spirit of our donors, partners, fundraisers, and supporters.

Your commitment ensures we continue our vital work, and we are profoundly grateful. Every donation counts and we love collaborative funding – a big thanks to two recent A message from the Chair donors who generously matched $20,000 of donations in our tax appeal. Your kindness is truly inspiring.

Dad’s legacy – to create safety, hope and opportunity for young Australians – remains at the heart of everything we do. In this newsletter, you’ll find an inspiring impact story from a young person and a feature focusing on family legacy, generational philanthropy, and the role of family foundations. We see how the ripple effects of compassion and generosity can span generations, creating sustainable positive change in our communities.

On 1st July, my fellow Board Directors and I took over as Trustee of the Foundation. We are grateful to Mission Australia for their partnership over the decades and we look forward to a long, strong relationship with them as our service partner. We would also not be where we are today without the generosity of previous governors, many of whom are still highly involved with us today, on committees and spreading the word of our cause.

As we move into another financial year, I look forward to keeping you updated on the Foundation’s progress as your continued support and trust in our cause mean the world to us.

Kind regards,

Will Martin

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Fundraiser success: stepping up for vulnerable youth

Three young women outside, smiling together

Congratulations and thank you to our amazing Walk for Youth in Crisis fundraisers!

We are thrilled to share the fantastic results from the Walk for Youth in Crisis challenge which took place in May. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of our incredible fundraisers, over $130,000 was raised to support young people experiencing addiction.

Participants took on the ambitious goal of walking 150km throughout the month of May. Together, they covered more than 4,500km! We want to give a special shoutout to Bill Bracey and his team at Sydney Financial Planning, who made an extraordinary contribution by raising more than $58,000.

This success would not have been possible without the generous support of the AMP Foundation, who matched every dollar raised, doubling the impact of each donation. The community spirit and commitment to supporting young people in crisis is truly inspiring. Thanks to their incredible efforts, we will be able to make a significant difference in the lives of many young individuals.

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Thank you for a year of impact and generosity

A group of young people sitting in a classroom at Triple Care Farm with pens and paper, smiling

It is with immense gratitude and a warm heart that we extend our deepest thanks to our extraordinary community of donors for their unwavering support throughout the 2024 financial year. Your generosity has been the driving force behind our ability to make a profound impact on the lives of young people in crisis.

We are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and compassionate group of individuals who share our vision. Your commitment to our cause has allowed us to uphold Sir David Martin’s legacy of safety, hope and opportunity. Thanks to your support, we have been able to reach more young people in need, providing them with safe spaces to recover, access mental health support, and discover pathways to education and employment.

Our CEO, Helen Connealy reflects, “Every day, we witness the transformative power of your donations in the lives of the young people we serve. Your support provides them with the opportunity to heal, grow, and build a foundation for a more hopeful future.

“On behalf of the entire Sir David Martin Foundation team and the young people whose lives you have touched, we extend our heartfelt thanks. We are incredibly proud to have you as part of our community of supporters, and we look forward to continuing our work together in the years to come.” You are instrumental in enabling us to extend our reach and offer more young people the resources and support they so desperately require. Your trust in our mission and your willingness to partner with us in creating lasting, positive change is truly inspiring.

Together, we are making a difference, one young life at a time.

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Sir David Martin Foundation acknowledges that Mission Australia, our service partner, owns and runs programs at Triple Care Farm and delivers Aftercare programs for Youth Network.

Donate and help young, vulnerable Australians break the cycle of addiction and have hope for a brighter future.

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