In this Impact Spring 2023 edition:
Triple Care Farm is looking ship-shape!

In a heart-warming display of community spirit, crew members from the Royal Australian Navy’s HMAS Supply recently set sail for a different kind of mission – one that involved shovels, rakes and rubber boots. They joined forces with Triple Care Farm to participate in a working bee aimed at cleaning up and beautifying a crucial part of the farm.
Located in the picturesque Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Triple Care Farm provides a safe and supportive environment for young people seeking to overcome addiction and rebuild their lives. One of the Farm’s key assets is a dam that adds to the serene beauty of the surroundings. However, over time, the dam fell into a state of disrepair and needed some attention.
Enter the dedicated crew members of HMAS Supply, who were ready to batten down the hatches and get to work. Armed with gardening tools and a shared sense of purpose, they cleared debris, removed invasive vegetation, and helped to landscape the area around the dam.
Lieutenant David Gouge, who was at the helm of this initiative, praised the crew’s dedication to community service. He emphasised how projects like this provide an opportunity for naval personnel to give back to the communities that support them, while fostering teamwork and camaraderie among the crew members themselves.
The working bee not only resulted in a cleaner and more appealing dam area but also showcased the profound impact that collaboration between Triple Care Farm and the local community can have. It served as a reminder that we are all capable of making a positive difference in the lives of others, and the crew members of HMAS Supply did just that, leaving a lasting mark of generosity and goodwill at the Farm.
Every step is a step towards recovery

Levi* was just a child the first time he came to Triple Care Farm. Now at 20 years old, he took the brave step of returning. His story is an inspiring testament to the transformation possible when young people receive the care they need.
Despite numerous hurdles in his path, Levi has repeatedly sought to break the cycle of addiction. Having previously attended the Withdrawal and Residential Rehabilitation programs, it took courage and determination to consider coming back. However, Levi knew the Farm was a safe space— a place free from judgment, offering unwavering support and care.
“Every time I’ve come back I’ve learnt something new. The staff are great as well – they are really supportive.”
Reflecting on his earlier years, Levi saw how he had been making positive changes every step of the way. The Farm provided him with a counsellor he could trust, equipping him with the tools to manage anger and substance use, restoring stability to his mental state and relationships. These changes marked a turning point, and Levi is happy to say that he has been free from drugs since then.
This year, Levi decided to return to Triple Care Farm with a new goal: to overcome his dependence on alcohol, which had become an unhealthy coping mechanism for his battle with depression and psychosis.
In the nurturing environment of the Farm, he learned how to monitor and control his drinking habits, and set boundaries so that it is no longer an everyday activity. He has also made strides in his struggle with unhealthy thinking patterns.
Levi shared, “My head used to tell me a lot of things. The depression and the psychosis tell me that everything is bad… so I had no motivation to do anything at all. Now being here again is teaching me that ‘hey, there’s more to life than just drinking.’ That’s probably one of the biggest things I’ve learned. And also that I’m not the only one in this situation. There’s nothing wrong with me. It happens to lots of people – it’s just unfortunate that I’m one of them.”
Buoyed by this encouragement and hope, Levi is excited for his next step. With the help of his Aftercare Worker, he looks forward to getting his learner’s licence, joining a gym, and finding employment once he leaves Triple Care Farm.
With the staff at the Farm cheering him on, Levi has come a long way! One step at a time, he continues to move away from addiction and move closer to a brighter, healthier future.
Youth Network Spotlight: Batemans Bay

In partnership with Mission Australia and based on an evidence-based model of care at Triple Care Farm, in NSW Southern Highlands, Youth Network is an expansion of Aftercare programs rolling out initially across four residential rehab sites in Australia.
In early 2023, a ray of hope shone on the South Coast of NSW as Mission Australia unveiled Walawaani, a brand-new youth residential rehabilitation facility. This 10-bed program marked a significant milestone in the quest to empower young Australians on their journey towards recovery and transformation.
Modelled on Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm in the Southern Highlands of NSW, Walawaani is dedicated to helping young individuals aged 16-24 overcome addiction and mental health challenges.
In the spirit of new beginnings, the doors of Walawaani swung open to welcome its first residents in February. These young people then embarked on a 12-week holistic program designed to nurture their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Walawaani’s comprehensive approach includes individualised support plans, essential living skills, one-on-one and group counselling, education, and a range of sports and recreational activities.
Thanks to the support of Sir David Martin Foundation and our donors, Walawaani extends its care beyond the residential program. As part of the Youth Network expansion, every young person completing the program is offered six months of aftercare support—a lifeline as they transition back into the community.
The aftercare support provided at Walawaani is instrumental in helping these young individuals maintain the positive changes they’ve made during their rehabilitation journey. It’s a crucial step in breaking the cycle of addiction and ensuring a brighter future for each participant.
At the heart of Walawaani’s aftercare program is Natasha Schuyt, the newly recruited Aftercare Worker in Batemans Bay. Natasha brings with her a wealth of energy, commitment, and expertise. Her strong community links and relationships forged in her previous roles in Centrelink, Education, and as a Housing advocate have proven to be invaluable.
“The most fulfilling part of aftercare is to see the physical and mental changes of the young person and the positive overall wellbeing and opportunities they engage with in aftercare,” – Natasha Schuyt, Aftercare Worker
Natasha’s dedication extends to collaborating with the Department of Communities & Justice to secure accommodation setup funding for our young program participants. She has played a key role in facilitating regular visits from Centrelink and Service NSW to Walawaani, ensuring that our young people receive the support and entitlements they deserve.
Most importantly, Natasha forms strong therapeutic relationships with the young people she works with. She meets them where they are, helps them identify their goals, and supports them in achieving these milestones.
InfoTrack Cake Auction

In August, our friends at InfoTrack invited us into their Sydney office for an annual tradition that warms our hearts – the cake auction. Even as their Brisbane office joined us virtually, the sense of community spirit was a joy to be a part of.
This delightful event isn’t just about cakes; it’s about the power of community coming together for a meaningful cause. Both office teams enthusiastically participated in the bidding, and their collective efforts raised vital funds to support Sir David Martin Foundation and our transformative youth drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, Triple Care Farm.
Beyond the delicious cakes and friendly competition, this event represents the essence of community engagement and the ripple effect it creates. By showcasing their commitment to our cause, InfoTrack has not only provided essential financial support but has also helped spread awareness about the challenges faced by young people in crisis.

Inspired after witnessing Sir David’s impassioned words about providing safety, hope and opportunity for young Australians during a speech at Trinity Grammar School many years ago, Narelle Phipps has shared her heartfelt reasons for leaving her own legacy.
“Sir David Martin Foundation is very important to me, and creating a new will presented the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the Foundation’s wonderful work by leaving a gift for the future.”
We’re incredibly grateful to Narelle for sharing how impactful the decision to make a gift like this can be. Leaving a gift in your will enables you to leave a lasting legacy of support for causes you are deeply passionate about.
Narelle’s decision to include the Foundation in her will reflects her deep commitment to support our lifesaving work for young people in crisis, ensuring that her values and love for the Foundation’s vital work continues, creating a ripple effect of positive change for generations to come.
From the Acting GM, Anna Beaumont

How wonderful to see the crew of HMAS Supply (ll) at Triple Care Farm’s working bee. Captain David Martin served briefly as Commanding Officer of HMAS Supply (l) in 1978, and it’s a lovely continuation of the connection between the RAN and his Foundation.
Thanks to Commander Cindy Jenkins, CO of HMAS Supply, for encouraging and supporting her crew to engage with their community.
We know how crucial the Aftercare program is, keeping young people well after rehab. Natasha, at Walawaani in Batemans Bay brings so much to her role of Aftercare Worker. Walawaani is a Dhurga word and means ‘safe journey’. Natasha and the other Aftercare Workers accompany our young people on their individual journeys, as they transition from residential care back into the community.
My father’s legacy is made possible due to donors like Narelle, who has chosen to leave our Foundation a gift in her will. Gifts in wills ensure that we can continue our mission of safety, hope and opportunity for all young people. Thank you, Narelle, for your commitment and trust.
Many of you will be aware that our GM, Helen Connealy is on leave in Ireland, spending time with her family. I’ll be acting in her role until late November.
Warm regards,
Anna Beaumont
Acting General Manager
Remembering Sir David

On the 10th of August each year we acknowledge the anniversary of Sir David Martin’s passing. For all of us at the Foundation this time of year is a time of reflection, as we remember this incredible man, his vision, and the values that he embodied.
David Martin was educated at the Scots College Sydney, then joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1947 and graduated in 1950. After a long and distinguished naval career, he retired in February 1988, with the rank of Rear Admiral.
He was then sworn in as NSW’s thirty-fourth Governor on 20 January 1989 – the first RAN officer to hold the position. In December he was appointed KCMG. In 1990, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, and he passed away later that year.
Sir David Martin Foundation was established in the days following Sir David’s death. In his time as Governor, Sir David had witnessed many young people caught in the destructive world of drugs, alcohol, homelessness and abuse. As he faced his diagnosis, he wanted to leave a legacy that would give these young people a different future – one filled with safety, hope and opportunity. These principles guide the Foundation to this day.
Sir David Martin Foundation was established in the days following Sir David’s death. In his time as Governor, Sir David had witnessed many young people caught in the destructive world of drugs, alcohol, homelessness and abuse. As he faced his diagnosis, he wanted to leave a legacy that would give these young people a different future – one filled with safety, hope and opportunity. These principles guide the Foundation to this day.
Each year, we take a moment to remember the life and legacy of this great man, and his commitment to helping our most vulnerable young people.
Join our community of regular givers and become a consistent force for change.
Your ongoing support ensures the sustainability of vital youth-specific programs at Triple Care Farm, helping young Australians break free from addiction and create lasting change.
Recovery Month

In September we were proud to acknowledge Recovery Month.
We know that prevention and getting the right help early gives young people a much better chance of going on to lead a full and healthy life. Leaving judgement aside, the respectful promotion of this health and social problem will inform and educate the public and spread the word that investing in our youth is vital for our future.
During Recovery Month, we recognised and honoured the resilience and strength of those on their journey to better health and wellness. With the right treatment, support, and resources, recovery is possible for everyone.
How we support recovery
In recovery, people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. Just as there are many ways young people can become addicted to alcohol and other drugs, there are different pathways they can take on the journey to recovery, and there is no one-size-fits-all program. Based on the Triple Care Farm model of treatment, Sir David Martin Foundation focuses on three types of care for young people aged 16-24 to support recovery and rehabilitation:
1. Withdrawal:
David Martin Place is a detox program that provides up to 28 days of residential care and 24/7 medical support for young people to withdraw and break the cycle of addiction.
3. Rehabilitation:
Triple Care Farm is a 12-week residential rehab program that focuses on empowering young people with treatment and counselling, living skills, education, and recreation. Young people work with counsellors and psychologists to develop a tailored, holistic program that works for them.
3. Aftercare:
Our aftercare expansion, the national Youth Network, provides up to six months of support for young people who have completed residential Withdrawal or Rehabilitation programs. Young people are paired with a dedicated Aftercare Worker who offers practical advice and mentors them as they transition back into the community.
Our focus is enabling best-practice models of treatment for youth drug and alcohol addiction, aiming to break the devastating cycle of addiction. We firmly believe in the capacity of young people to make sustained, positive change with the right support.