These quotes are from the young people who have taken part in the programs at Triple Care Farm, as well as their family members.
All quotes have been de-identified to protect the privacy of the young people who take part in our programs.

Young people
“It was like a circuit breaker for me, it felt really good that I was clean for those three months.”

“Going to the farm was the best thing I have ever done in my life. It taught me how to live again.”
- “The tools that you learn while you are there are really helpful, you don’t lose those, like relapse prevention, and how to build healthy relationships.”
- “You go back home and open your eyes; I got rid of the toxic people in my life.”
- “I got off all the drugs, and have been off them ever since – I relapsed once two years afterwards but it wasn’t big a deal. I had the support there to help me that time.”
- “After leaving my self-esteem was higher so I made new friends, I didn’t only feel comfortable hanging around drop-kicks.”
- “I’ve got a wallet that isn’t empty anymore! – I’m much better at managing my finances now.”
- “The foundation of my relationship with my family was laid while I was there. It was great that I could call them or they could call me and that they could come and visit. My dad and I now get along the best we ever have. I can also assert myself better around my mum, I have tools now not to blow up at her.”
- “Ever since I left last time I’ve had a job. Everything there really helped me, the skills stuff, being organized and having more confidence talking to people. I have worked as a manager in retail for two years while studying part time.”
- “The aftercare program was astonishing – he was there when I really needed him. I stayed clean because of the support it gave me.”
- “It gave me some stability while I was there – it was a safe place, it kept me off the streets and out of trouble.”
- “Not drinking while I was there was really important, it was a big wakeup call.”
- “I am heaps healthier. When I was taking drugs, I was underweight. I worked out every single day I was up there. It gave me something to look forward to.”
- “The experience strengthens you. When I left I was feeling stronger in myself – it was really rewarding.”
- “I felt like I was surrounded by people who were caring, that you were in a caring place. There was a sense of kindness, that people wanted to help you.”
- “It taught me to clean, cook and look after myself.”
- “When I finished the program my mum let me come back to her place. After that I was able to find my own accommodation.”
- “I saved enough money to be able to travel for the first time. I would like to say that I’ve always been good at budgeting – I wouldn’t have had the skills before not to spend it on stuff that was bad for me.”
- “Triple Care Farm kickstarted me into education. While I was there I did my forklift license, which gave me the belief and confidence that I could do it. It set me up to enroll in Tafe and work part time as well.”
- “After Triple Care Farm I decided I was going to go and do something with my life. At the time I was just bumming around; after leaving I found a new place to live, enrolled in a course and am now at university.”
- “Before I went to Triple Care Farm I had spent time in a mental hospital and in an emergency room after I ended up with a concussion after falling over while I was drunk. I haven’t been to a hospital for reasons like that since I left the program.”
- “It was all the staff, not just formal parts of the program which made it great. All of the staff were always there and available to talk to you – you didn’t have to make an appointment if you wanted to talk. It helped me to open up.”
Family members

- “It used to be hell when he lived here. I used to fear coming home and things got worse and worse and worse. The farm gave him a chance and us three months of respite.”
- “It has had a huge impact on our family. We have a relationship with her now, and we can also see when things are not going so well and be there to support her.”
- “Her time at Triple Care Farm was the respite that we as a family needed. We got stronger and we started to like her again. We always loved her, but we didn’t like her.”
- “Thank you to Triple Care Farm and to all of the staff. Your program was the answer for my daughter, without a doubt.”
- “I feel like I’ve got my son back and he’s going to have a good, happy life.”
- “It gave us the respite we really needed. We have two other children, and he was taking up all of our time. My wife had a breakdown…we didn’t get any breaks for a long time before the program.”